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Social Mobilization Department is one of the major Departments in Imo State Universal Basic Education Board. As the name goes, it cuts across all other Departments in the Board. The Department works with three major tools namely, Supervision, Sensitization and Advocacy. The Department's units include:

  1. School Based Management Committee (SBMC)

  2. Self Help Project Unit

  3. Arts/Crafts

  4. Home Grown School Feeding Unit

  5. Education Task Teach

  6. Spelling Bee Unit

  7. Boy Child/Gender Education

  8. N.G.D. Programmes, etc.



Social This is an indispensible organ in the implementation of free and qualitative Education in Imo State and in Nigeria at large. It was introduced into the Nigeria Educational System after, the extra ordinary meeting of the National Council of Education (NCE) held on the 19th of March 2007. After the meeting, States were given mandate to set up School Based Management Committee with the objectives and identified roles and responsibilities which includes the followings: Sensitize parents on enrolment, attendance and retention of the children/wards. Collaboration with the Community to sensitize parents to enroll their children/words into the school system. Support head teacher on initiative leadership and effective management of school. Monitor school physical structure to ensure proper maintenance / effective school management. Assist in the procurement of learning/teaching materials and resources. Ensure the security of human/material resources. Assist the head teacher in treating problems and promotin9 discipline in the school among others.


Social Mobilization Department in collaboration with SBMC/SDC has organized a sensitization campaign in the 27 Local Government Education Authorities in Imo State on the need to send their children and wards to school. This will go a long way to increase school enrolment.

On Home Grown School Feeding in Imo State:

The Basic Education Children from Basic 3 — 1 including the ECCDE Sections have been benefiting from the feeding as Imo State was the 18th State that were cued into the feeding programme. The Home Grown School Feeding has a lot of benefits among which is that children who went to school on an empty stomach were fed thereby solving the problem of starvation, etc. This has also helped in population increase in the school system.


This idea of the Federal Government was welcomed in Imo State by the Department of Social Mobilization. The Department through the LGEA Mobilizes went to the nooks and crannies or the State Schools to re-awake the SBMC of every school in the State. This was done by replacing dead SBMC members of schools, replacement of non interested and dormant members and instituting SBMC members for newly established schools.


The Self Help Project Unit of the Universal Basic Education is designed to involve the community and private sector in the Basic education delivery through the initiation, execution, administration and ownership of designated school projects. The relevance of Self Help Project Unit cannot be exhausted since it brought about a laudable development of infrastructure in all schools including primary and secondary school. It helps to see that teaching and learning goes on in a conducive earning environment. It also brought about population increase in the school system.


The HIV/AIDS/Family Life Education was established in 2002. This was in response to the directive of the Federal Government that line ministries should set up HIV/AIDS units in support of its multi-sectional and multidisciplinary approach to HIV/AIDS. This unit is the overall coordinating body for the response to HIV/AIDS in the Education Sector in Nigeria and works closely with the National Agency for the control of Aids (NACA) to realize the objectives of the National Response.


This unit deals with cultural festivals, carnivals, arts and crafts exhibitions.


This unit comprises of sub-units. The unit deals with the cultural, national and societal empowerment and relationship between male and female (i.e. their roles, responsibilities, attitudes, values, attributes, etc. that would support the achievement of Education for All (EFA) and Universal Basic Education (UBE) goals and objectives. The subunits rest on issues like Boys/Girls Association, Red Cross, NAPTIP, STUMEC, etc


This unit deals with issues of boys drop out of schools. The unit strives towards re-integration of out of school children into the school system. The Overall Achievement of the Social Mobilization Department are as follows: The Department has exceUed in the area of School Based Management Committee (SBMC) as a total of 12,310 members had undergone training on effective performance of SBMC. These members are being monitored arid mentored.


Quality Assurance Department (QAD) is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that high quality basic education is released through appropriate quality assurance mechanisms as well as prescribing, monitoring, evaluating and maintaining minimum standards in the provision of quality basic education to Imo Children. We also monitor the implementation of UBEC programme in the LGEA and schools.


The main tasks of the department in prescribing and maintaining minimum standards, monitoring, appraising and evaluating the outcome of teaching and learning is fashioned into the following: Appraising school effectiveness and efficiency through on the spot check, effective monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning and whole school evaluation. Assessing learning achievements at all the base schools in the state through centrally set examinations. Collaborating with UBEC Abia to carry out their educational programmes in the state for effective teaching and learning.


The department is structured into the following units:

  1. Strengthening Science, Mathematics Education Unit (SMASE)

  2. Early Child Case Development Education (ECCDE) Unit

  3. Instruction and Evaluation Unit

  4. Investigation / U.B.E. Unit

  5. Igbo Linguistics Unit.



The unit is responsible for the training of Teachers under the Strengthening Science, Mathematics Education (SMASE) In-service Education and Training (IHSET) Programme. It conducts Science, Mathematics Competition and Exhibition for all Schools in the State. It coordinates MAN, STAN, JET Competitions in the State.  It also co-ordintes the IMSUBEB demonstration farms in all the basic schools in the state. The state has won laurels and awards at the National level. It undertakes any other activity that may be assigned by the Management.


The unit conducts monitoring and evaluation in all the ECCDE centre’s the state. It monitors the distribution and installation of ECCDE play and instructional materials in the state. Any other duty that may be assigned to them.


TThe unit carries out the following activities:

  1. Development and maintenance of a bank for test items for the centrally set exams conducted by IMSUBEB.

  2. Appraising and regularly evaluating teaching and learning programme to ensure its consistency with gi…….programme.

  3. Assessing the quality of teachers, learning environment and interactions in the classrooms.

  4. Prepares regular reports on effective teaching and learning in the school to the management for policy development.

  5. Receiving and collating 27 LGEA termly report to determine the extent of attainment of access and quality with respect to effecting teaching and learning.

  6. Any other duty that may be assigned to the unit.



Prepares report on UBEC monitoring activities in the state on:

  1. Routine UBEC Monitoring

  2. National UBEC Assessment Exercise

  3. Receiving, investigating and summarizing complaints and allegations from classroom teachers, L.G.E.A. and Schools with reprience to effective teaching and learning

  4. Recommend solutions to the management of other duty that may be assigned to the unit.



The unit ensures that Igbo language exists in all the schools. They co-ordinate all Igbo cultural activities in the schools to ensure that the language do not go into extinction. All programmes on Igbo language are conducted by the unit.


Department of Administration and Supplies

The Department of Administration and Supplies has Mrs Stella Ukagba as the Director (DAS). She was before her appointment the Director of promotions until 2014. The responsibility of overseeing to the day to day activities and enhancement of working conditions of staff of State Universal Basic Education Board, Owerri, both tutorial and non tutorial, including learners spread throughout the 27 Local Government Education Authorities of Imo State and the Board Headquarters rest on the Department.

The Department of Administration and Supplies is saddled with many responsibilities. Among its major functions are:

  1. Recruitment and Appointment of Staff

  2. Promotion of Staff

  3. Overseeing Staff Transfers

  4. Overseeing Staff Retirement

  5. Overseeing Staff Pension matters

  6. Overseeing Staff Leave

  7. Custodian of Staff files.

  8. Organizing In-house training for Board Headquarters' Staff.

Pursuant to the realization of the Recue Government Free Education Policy and the achievement of its administrative process the Department has rightly cued in under the able leadership of the Executive Chairman Barr. Mrs Juliet N. Okafor an astute administrator and a leader par excellence. With her administrative prowess, proactiveness, creativeness, Initiative, Spiritual awareness and ingenuity she has transformed the Board, as well as made an indelible mark in the regularization of the newly recruited Teachers as well as the issuance of their appointment letters; while the Department worked tirelessly offering professional advice, technical guide. The Department by this singular action has recruited about 4,452 new teachers into the Board to achieve the sustainability of the free education, a brainchild of His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha. The Department also was proactive in tackling the challenges of Staff training to keep them updated as well as be abreast with current best practices. The department therefore instituted and regularly organized In-House Training for Board Headquarters staff to serve as capacity building




The Department of Finance and Accounts was established at the inception of the board then known as SPEB


Apart from its traditional functions of keeping and maintaining of appropriate financial records and books of Accounts, payment of Staff salaries (Teachers and Non-Tutorial), preparation of Annual Budget, Preparation of Annual Financial Statements, The Department is also involved in financial disbursement of Running Costs to Schools and LGEAs; Deductions and Remittance of approved and statutory deductions, payment to contractors and preparation of Monthly and Quarterly Financial Returns.


The Department is presently headed by an AG Director (Ejeah Ijeoma ACNA) and is made up of the following units:

  1. UBE Accounts

  2. Payroll / Salaries

  3. Budget and Accounts Production

  4. Expenditure

  5. Finance Administration

  1. Computerization of the payroll System (HUMRIS) 

  2. Improved Preparation of Quarterly Financial Monitoring Returns for UBEC Improved Systems of Payment (e-Payment) to Contractors thus reducing late payments

  3. Utilization and prompt payment on Teacher Professional Development 

  4. Prompt preparation and payment of Staff Salary

  5. Inclusion of Newly Regularised Teachers in the Payroll



The Public Relations Unit is one of the Units Directly under the Executive Chairman’s office. This unit is the watch dog of the Board. Public Relations is a deliberate act to create and maintain a good relationship between  an organization and its various publics, therefore the Public Relations Officer is the image maker of the Board. It is the duty of the Public Relations officer (PRO) to ensure that the voice of the Board is heard through the mass media (Publicity) The P.R.O does this using the traditional media (Newspapers, Radio & Television) the social media / internet, this website being one of the medium for dissemination of the board’s information/news to the public. The Public Relations Unit is involved in all the programs and activities of other departments in the board.



The Unit is presently headed by Lady Pet Akudo Anurunwa, and made up of other staff who assist the head in handling core Public Relation / media function.



The unit is directly responsible to the chairman and serves as the watchdog of the financial activities of the board.


  1. The unit serves in advisory capacity to the chairman.

  2. Verifies all expenditure, supplies, contracts and other financial transaction of the board.

  3. Makes recommendations for expenses. 

  4. Engages in prepayment audit for staff emolument and other transactions.

  5. Issues supply certifies to all educational materials supplies from UBEC, state Govt contractors

  6. Carries out investigation where need be.

  7. Carries out all other Audit activities as directed by the board.


  1. Successfully completed the supervisor of the receipts of the Instructional Special Education, technical, vocational and library materials delivered to Imo SUBEB by UBEC.

  2. Certified all the SRV & Bill of quantities backing the contract supplies.

  3. Carried out successfully all the prepayment audit covering the overheads, personnel Emolument, Contract awards, paid in the interim

  4. Audited the running cost paid to the board & the LGEA/Schools.

  5. Verified all payments as requested by the Approval/Authorizing officers.

  6. Safeguard the assets of the board during the period.

  7. Carried out all investigations as directed.

  8. Issued all verification certificates accompanying all the completed UBEC supplies/contracts.

  9. Successfully advised the Executive Chairman on all financial matters.



The legal Unit  is a creation carried out by the Imo State Universal Basic Education Board Owerri herein after referred to as the “Board” established by Education Edict of 1994. The legal unit as aforementioned is a unit under the Executive Chairman’s is made up of four lawyers and Two support staff. Including the HOD legal.

The Legal unit has the sole authority to defend the Board in any matter sued against the Board.  The legal unit also has the functions of investigations into Land Encroachment of the 27 LGEA’s in the State. Through the encroachment investigations, and measures taken by the legal unit of the Board, verse school lands and properties have been protected.

Also awareness have been made to the traditional rulers of different Autonomous Communities and the 27 Education secretaries, through official write up by the legal head on the incessant encroachment problems in their respective domains and the need to curb them promptly.

LEGAL ADVICE:  The legal unit by virtue of its unique nature is made part of the management, as it has also the function of Advisory role. The legal unit also prepares every agreement/MOU on behalf of the board, official letters going within and outside the Board is written by the legal unit.

Court cases attended and won



The Imo state University teaching hospital Primary School when the state government handed, the teachers over to the management of IMSUBEB for deployment to various public schools in the state they rejected the Government directive and went to court the matter was instituted at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria Owerri high Court complex and was handled by the head of the Legal Unit Barr. Jude Emeakaroha, and the said matter went in favour of the State Government


Mrs Cecilia Nnenna Anumudu, Vs Imo State Universal Basic Education Board. Suit NO: NICN/OW/75/2016

The above case was filed by a retired headmistress of Primary School Ohi, Owerri West, protesting undue retirement from Service by IMSUBEB, the said matter was also field at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria, In the High Court Complex Owerri the matter was handled also by the HOD legal Unit Barr Emekaroha J and won In favour of IMSUBEB


  1. The HOD legal Unit prepared an agreement for the 2015 Cluster training between (IMSUBEB) and selected training centres i.e. Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education. (AIFCE) Imo State University (IMSU) and (ICAPS) respectively

  2. The legal also write the MOU between the IMSUBEB and the Jolly Phonics with respect to the T.P.D. Teachers Training.

  3. The Legal Director wrote an Official letter and proposal for the Board concerning, the National Security Assessment Team that came from Abuja.

  4. Official letter was also written for the engagement of a security man to ASSA Town School Oguta LGEA.

  5. Official letter was written to the S.S.A to the Governor on Imo Security network for the engagement of Imo security Personnel to help Guild the Board.

  6. Writing of Official letter to the D.P.O New Owerri branch for the Deployment of Police personnel for the security and protection of the Board.

  7. The HOD legal unbehalf of the Board wrote an official memo/letter to the 27 Education secretaries in the State on the Issue of encroachment Laws on Government takeover of Schools, Easement and prompt, report of encroachment problems.

  8. The legal unit also made a press release on the incessant encroachment on school land by individual and organizations.

  9. The HOD Legal also addressed the 27 LEGAL Education Secretaries.

  10. The legal HOD also wrote a letter terminating the Training Agreement between the British Council and Imo State Universal Basic Education Board. (IMSUB) following the breach of the said Agreement by the British Council.

  11. The HOD Legal Investigated and made a report on the case of a Defilement of a Primary 1 pupil at Community School Umuaku Nnenasa Njaba LGEA which led to dismissal of the male C.G.C teacher in involved in the atrocity.


  13. Investigation on a case of Kidnap of 3 pupils of Community Primary School Umuoke, Amato Eziama Ngor Okpala, the pupils were later found by the Advice and directive of the legal HOD

  14. The Legal HOD also investigated a case of a missing pupil of central school Umuhu Okabia Orsu LGEA through the Effort of the Legal unit, the missing child was discovered in Lagos and brought back to the parents.


  1. Central School  Umuokwanta Mbiazu Mbaise.

  2. Comm. Primary School Orie Mbaise

  3. Ogwa Town School Ogwa

  4. Central School Umuokurika Ahiazu Mbaise

  5. Comm. School Okwu Ogbaku Mbaitoli LGA

  6. Central School Ogbaku Mbaitoli

  7. Comm. School. Emwereoha Ihitte/Uboma

  8. Comm. School Iheagwa

  9. Comm. School Egbu

  10. Comm. Primary School Owaelu

  11. Comm. School. Umueze Ehime Mbano Encroachment

  12. Central Sch. Umuokonka Ahiazu Mbaise

  13. Comm. School II Dike NAFAI Ideato South

  14. National School Uloano Amadugba Isu LGA

  15. Awa Comm. School Oguta LGEA

  16. Umuowa Ibu Entral School Okigwe etc.


Works Department

Works Department of the Imo State Universal Basic Education Board, owerri gained its Departmental status in 2010 under the administration of Chief J.S Obi as the Executive Chairman and Bldr Sir Livy Onyewuchi as the first Director of Works followed by Surveyor J.O Nwokonkwo and now by Bldr Larry Ihemadu. Ever before then, Works existed as a unit.

Works Department is the life wire of the Board as almost all the activities of the Board lean on the functions of the Department. The Department attracts the bulk of the board’s funds and follows the rule of Due Process to actualise her projects.

The Department which is made up of professionals – Architects, Builders, Quantity Surveyors, Engineers, Artisans and Administrators has the following units

  1. Quantity Surveying headed by Surveyor C. Ozuzu

  2. Building Construction headed by Bldr Larry Ihemadu

  3. Electrical/ Electronics headed by  Engr. I.M Oringanje

  4. Carpentary & Joinery headed by Emma Echefu

  5. Architecture headed by Arc Egwim N.

  6. Administration headed by Nobis Ike

Works Department in conjunction with other departments prepares the action plan for the Board for UBEC’s approval

Quantity Surveying Unit (QS Unit)  This Unit prepares the Bill of Quantities of Projects, evaluates payment certificates, inspects projects, prepares budget, and co-ordinates other activities assigned to her by the management.

Building Construction Unit This unit in conjunction with the QS unit carries out condition survey of school buildings inspects on-going projects and prepares budget for maintenance of dilapidated buildings.

Architectural Unit This unit prepares building designs, carries out condition survey of school buildings, supervision of projects, furniture design.

Electrical/ Electronics: Condition survey of elecrical jobs, regular supply of electricity to the board, repairs borehole inspection, management of plant house and settlement of electricity bills.

Mechanical Unit Mechanical Unit Maintenance of Mechanical fittings, water closet, borehole inspection and condition survey.

Carpentry/Joinery: Inspection of furniture, maintenance of damaged furniture and condition survey of same.

Adminstrative Unit:

Receiving of mails, sending out mails and files documentation and office up keep.

Irrespective of units the Department work jointly and harmoniously to ensure success of assignments. Observations and reports from UBEC Abuja have shown that our jobs are among the best in the Federation as a result, the board won the 2009 best performance award of One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00). Since the inception of the Board, UBEC approves our submissions (The drawings, the bills of quantities and supervision reports) as soon as they are made because of good professional presentation.

With the help of God and the co-operation of the top management the department promises to ensure that our jobs are perfect.



The Federal Teachers Scheme (FTS) is a Federal Government Intervention Programme, run by Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), to employ to NCE graduates, as Teachers in the State. This employment runs for two years for each batch of NCE employees; after which, the host state is expected to absorb these teachers. Here in Imo State, the FTS came into existence on November, 2006. A total of 1000 participants, drawn from the 27 local government areas of Imo State kick started the scheme. Due process was followed in their recruitment, after which they went through one week orientation at NYSC camp Umudi Nkwerre LGA. The training camp exercise was to educate them on the aims, objective rules and regulations of the scheme. They were given refresher courses on teaching skills and methodology by renowned lectures from reputable higher institutions.


One of the millennium development goal is, the “Education for all by the year 2015” (now extended to 2030) as (SDG) Sustainable Development Goal. The notable challenge of lack of teachers in the system (especially in the rural areas) due to population explosion, resulting from UBE free education policy FTS born. The FTS is structured to engage young NCE graduates, as teachers in primary and junior secondary schools. They are to be posted to schools in their own locality to save them the cost of accommodation and transportation. There is no limit to the number of times one can apply, provided one meets the requirement of that particular batch. The participant must be an NCE holder who acquired the certificate through regular programme, sandwich programme is not acceptable as well as degree holders. Throughout the two (2) year period of their primary assignment, these teachers are not expected to be engaged in any other employment or course of study. It is expected that after the two (2) year scheme, the FTS teachers, who performed creditably will be absorbed by the State government.

  1. 2013/2015 ushered in the 4th batch of FTS participants in Imo State. Then, FTS department recruited 400 participants in the state. 100 of them were posted to secondary schools while 300 were posted to primary schools across the state.

  2. Quarterly monitoring of the FTS participants by UBEC team from Abuja, was successfully carried out, in all the 27 LGAs respectively.

  3. Periodic monthly returns were sent to UBEC Abuja on FTS participants in both hard and soft copies.

  4. Posting of FTS participants to school in their LGAs for primary assignment.

  5. Attending meetings of FTS desk officers as directed by UBEC Abuja to ensure that Imo State is not left out in the scheme of things.

  6. Publication of information on both public and print media of FTS recruitment.

  7. Receiving, screening and short listing of application of fresh intakes.

  8. Locating and arranging halls of venue in preparation of the exams in the three zones of the state.

  9. Conduct and supervision of exams in the three zones of the state.

  10. All batch 4 participants successfully completed their programme on 30th November, 2015 with all allowances.

  11. Approval was give by His Excellency, to absorb 73 of them who are science inclined.

  12. FTS department liaises with the quality assurance department on monitoring of participants

  13. A complete set of computer system was purchased by the board for the department.

  14. All personal data of all participants in the state were stored in our computer data base.

  15. The board approved inclusion of FTS LGA desk officers in all workshops to help cushion the effect of expenses encored during their monthly monitoring of participants from the stipends paid in these workshops.

  16. FTS desk officers in the nation opened a Whatsapp site for smoother communication and coordination among states, of which Imo State is not left out.

  17. FTS has been most effective and efficient in this administration, due to the encouragement from the executive arm of the board

  18. In October 2015, the HOD FTS, Mrs. Adim, was invited by UBEC to present a paper on, “Reforming the FTS for improved service delivery…”70% of the recommendations in that paper was adopted by UBEC and 36 states including FCT. The paper is now a working document for FTS in Nigeria.

  19. 2017/2019 ushered in the 5th batch of FTS participants in Imo State. Then FTS department recruited 135 participants in the state and all posted to primary schools across the state.



This unit came to life under this administration, since its creation under the 2005 SUBEB law.

  1. An awareness/sensitization has been created among the principals of J.S.S in the state, on the existence of the J.S.S desk office in SUBEB Headquarters.

  2. A harmonious relationship has been established between the SEMB and SUBEB on J.S.S matters.

  3. Twelve (12) J.S.S principals were sent for training at National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), Ondo in 2015, courtesy SUBEB.

  4. A data base has been created in SUBEB for J.S.S for easy access of required data.

Education Support Services

The department consists of four (4) units. Namely:

  1. Special Education Unit.

  2. Guidance and Counseling Unit.

  3. Sports and Health.

  4. Nomadic Education Unit.

Special Education Unit

Special Education unit provides services to learners with special needs in our primary schools both to learners in public and private schools, and those in junior secondary schools. Their challenge ranges from.

  1. Hearing impairment

  2. Visually impaired

  3. Mentally challenged

  4. Physically challenged

  5. Gifted and talented

  6. Albinism

Programme of Activities
  1. Monitoring/Supervision of Special Education Schools

  2. Preparation of UBEC action plans for the unit

  3. Identification of specials needs learners in our primary schools and junior secondary schools.

  4. Counselling parents of learners with special needs on job related issues.

  5. Collection and collation of data! list of private providers of special needs education in the state.

  6. Distribution of materials procured with special education intervention fund.



The unit has engaged in the moral instruction exercise in our primary schools in the state. The topics taught during the exercise made great impact on both Learners and Teachers. Topics discussed helps In behavioural modification of the learners. It helps the learners to know their responsibilities both in school and at home.



This Unit takes care of all sporting activities that represents Imo State.



This unit takes care of education nomads made up of migrant fishermen and cattle rearers. They settle in isolated places 



The roles of Education Secretary at Local Government level as enshrined in the Edict that established the Universal Basic Education Commission, Universal Basic Education Board at state level and Local Government Education Authority at local level are enormous following the fact that Education Secretary is a major Stake holder in the implementation of Basic Education at the grassroots.

The following are some of the duties of the Education Secretary

  1. The Education Secretary in the eyes of State Universal Basic Education Board who brings reports/periodic reports of all activities of both teachers, pupils/students in J.S.S including reports on facilities and infrastructure of schools in his jurisdiction (that is LGEA of Primary Assignment) to ensure teaching and learning in properly disposed.

  2. The Education Secretary also brings reports on the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and major state-holders in Education of LGEA.

  3. The Education Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in his or her jurisdiction.

  4. He/she is charged with the responsibility of bridging the gap between the State Universal Basic Education Board and the Local Government Education Authority.

  5. The Education Secretary is in-charge of day to day, week to week and monthly Administration of Public schools.

  6. The Education Secretary is in charge for teachers and non-teaching staff transfer and posting including rationalization of the staff at Local Government level.

  7. The Education is responsible for payment of his/her teaching and non teaching staff of his/her Local Government Education Authority of his/her primary assignment.

  8. The Education is responsible for management of human and material resources to actualize educations in the state.

  9. The Education Secretary is responsible for recruitment of junior staff that is (SGL 01-06)

  10. The Education is responsible for assessment/evaluation of staff both teaching and non teaching and subsequently promote the hardworking staff to next salary grade levels and equally recommend the hardworking senior staff for promotion to the next salary grade level.

  11. The Education Secretary is in charge of his/her teachers and non teaching staff discipline.

  12. The Education Secretary is in charge of secretary matters and investigations in his/her jurisdiction.

  13. The Education Secretary is in charge of General Coordination of activities in LGEA.

  14. The Education Secretary is in charge of staff supervision and control at LGEA level.

  15. The Education Secretary is responsible for the welfare of non-teaching and teaching staff at Local Government Education Authority level.

  16. The Education Secretary is as well in charge of staff training and re-training at Local Government Level.

  17. The Education Secretary is in charge of Appointments, confirmation of appointments service records and a host of other responsibilities attached to the duties/functions of Education Secretary at Local Government level that may arise at any point in time.



The Department as its name implies is charged with the responsibility of enhancing the quality of Teachers' performance and Curriculum Development through training and retraining of Teachers on Curriculum and Instructional materials.

The Department is made up of the following units:

  1. Teaching Training

  2. Curriculum Development

  3. Library Unit

  4. National Teachers’ Institute (NTI)

  5. Jolly Phonics Unit



The Unit co-ordiantes all UBE –related teachers Activities. Streamlines Policies for ecruitment, training, retraining, capacity building of Teachers and Instructors, training of Teachers and Pupils with special needs in the Primary Schools.



Prescribes standards for curriculum implementation for UBE Liases with the ministry of education, relevant agencies, parastatals in developing and reviewing primary and junior secondary schools curricula consistent with UBE policy. Co-ordinating workshops related to training of trainers on Basic Educaiton curriculum. Liases with NABETB (National Business and Technical Examinations Board) to sustain the technical skills components of the Curricula of Primary/Junior Secondary Schools.



This unit is responsible for effective use and management of libraries in the State Public Primary/Junior Secondary Schools. Effective monitoring of the functioning libraries in our Public Primary schools Establishment of young readers club in Primary/junior Secondary Schools in the state e.g. Quiz Competitions, Children’s Parliament, Spelling-Bee activities and Debating Competitions. The Department also handles the Presidential Inter-SUBEB Debate Competitions.



This unit ensures adequate Development in the Child Right Act based Gender Sensitive in Schools. Advocates strictly on good Healthy Environment for Children Co-ordinates the Welfare of Children and Woman Affairs in all aspects of life Conducts Training for Teachers to update their knowledge in handling the Welfare of Children.



This unit is charged with the responsibility of organizing programme for the up grading and updating of practicing Teachers at all levels. Organize programmes on morality HIV & Aids and Digital Literacy for teachers both Local, State and National levels.



This is a new method of teaching letter sounds. Since its inception in Imo State, Teachers have been trained on letter sounds. Four Imo Teachers went to Anambra to train Anambra Teachers on Jolly Phonics Teaching methods.



The department is headed by Mrs. Nkwuzor Loveth who assumed duty on April 2018. She is also the Secretary of the Due Process committee in respect of UBE projects.

  1. Receiving of items that is supplied from Contractors

  2. Distribution of received items to schools

  3. Purchase of office requirement and distribution of same to deprtments and units in need of items.

  4. Keeping of appropriate records and books e.g. Beri card, ledgers and vouchers (SIV & SRV).

  5. Receipt and distribution of computer system with sola panels.

  6. Distribution of technical and vocational material to school.

  7. Distribution of science equipment to Junior Secondary Schools in the state.

  8. Receipt and distribution of instructional material.

  9. ECCDE classes in the school system.

  10. Primary schools in the state.

  11. JSS in the state.

  12. Setting of Early –Child “Merry Go-Round to and other play equipments to some approved and selected schools in the state



Receipts:  The departments have received instructional materials from UBEC

  1. Books for Pre Nursery to JSS Schools in the states.

  2. Play equipment for pre nursery and primary schools (e.g merry go-round).

  3. Science equipment for JSS.

  4. Technical and vocational equipment for JSS.

  5. Science laboratory equipment.

  6. Movable and non-movable (life and dead) vehicles for JSS.

  7. Primary lib source materials.



  1. Distribution of Pre-primary and primary equipment to schools (recreation material and merry go-round)

  2. Books and curriculum to both primary and JSS.

  3. Technical and vocational material/equipment to JSS.

  4. Science equipment to JSS.

  5. Science box equipment to schools.

  6. Primary and secondary lab resource material movable and non-movable (life and dead) vehicle to JSS.



Lafarge Africa National Literacy Competition

The LaFarge Africa National Literacy Competition is an annua even that encourages and rewards excellence The National Literacy Competition aims to raise the standard of English Language in public primary schools


The football competition is organised by IMSUSBEB and it is a ‘Catch-them-young’ tournament designed to discover and develop sporting talents which abound among our kids.

Head Teachers are therefore required to kindly Register/indicate your interest to participate, on or before 8th October 2018, by submitting he following information to  email address:







  7. PL.G.E.A –

Every school should not register more than 20 players but 16 will appear for the final matches.

N/B : Come with your school team pictures, snapped with your games teachers only.